Here you can find all our networks and contacts
DOKA Gestion, Romandie, Berne, Jura
We create a successful future for your enterprise. We are specialized in taxes, accounting, finance and management. We offer to our clients our know-how, our experience and a global vision. Though our clients can reserve their efforts for their own business and gain efficiency. We are able to discharge them for all administration work. We are also available for question of taxes, inheritance and matrimonial property regime. Languages: EN, GE, FR
Finest Gestion Sàrl, NE
Finest Gestion Sàrl est une fiduciaire – Gérance basée au Locle, dans les Montagnes Neuchâteloises. A l’écoute de notre clientèle, nous mettons nos compétences à votre disposition pour solutionner toutes vos tâches administratives. Que ce soit dans le domaine de la comptabilité, fiscalité ou gérance immobilière, nous vous proposons les solutions optimales à vos affaires. Grâce à des logiciels en ligne adaptés à la taille de l’entreprise, nos clients peuvent gérer leur activité professionnelle ou privée depuis où ils le désirent et sur les mêmes programmes comptables que leur partenaire.
Axios Fiduciaire, Switzerland
Constamment à votre écoute, nous allions compétences et expériences pour vous proposer une solution sur mesure. Nous tenons également à ce que vous bénéficiez d'un interlocuteur unique. La confiance sera la base de notre relation. Basé à Martigny et actif dans toute la Romandie. Langue: Français
EXU Consulting Sàrl, Switzerland
Our goal is to relieve you from all the important tasks linked to your activity but that are outside your expertise. We take care of all your accounting from 149 CHF per month, with the EZYcount software include. We have large variety of services going from legal advice to a service of home secretary. For more information, contact us. Don’t forget that to delegate is the key for success! Contact in French and English
Betterstudy, Romandie
Master the basis of financial management and learn how to do your accounting with our 100% online classes! As EZYcount's users, you have access to a special 10% discuont for the unlimited access plan to Betterstudy. Contact to receive your discount voucher. Only in French
Prix Strategis, VD
Since 1993, the “Prix Strategis” has been awarded each year to the best start-up with a CHF 50'000 cash reward and media coverage all over Switzerland. The Strategis Award is organised by HEC Espace Entreprise, a students’ comitee from HEC Lausanne (Switzerland). The Strategis Department of the comitee sets up the organisational team of the Award. Helped by the different departments of HEC Espace Entreprise, The Strategis Award ensures a well-known visibility, financing ressources and the prize-money. Moreover, members of the jury assessing the start-ups’s applications are made of experts in very various fields, renowned entrepreneurs and leading figures in the economy world of the French-part of Switzerland.